The Relative Speed of Light Theory
by Murray Tovi.

This theory is based on the conditional discovery of new force missing from the laws of physics.

Under this hypothesis, logic indicates that 299,792.458 kilometers per second, the observed speed of light in a vacuum is a relative observation that represents, in reality, a continuously changing velocity and/or trajectory.

For example, if a light beam is observed moving at 299,792.458 kilometers per second or at velocity x , from a body moving in the opposite direction at velocity y , logic indicates that if the observer is moving at a minimum of 217 kilometers per second or at velocity y , that x or 299,792.458 kilometers per second is the relative speed of the light beam in this encounter and that x minus y is the actual speed of the light beam in this encounter.

Unfortunately, we do not know the exact speed of y in this encounter, nor in any other conceivable encounter except that it is likely in the thousands of miles per second. If the Universe is expanding then y is always a continuously changing velocity and trajectory representing the complex combined motion of the Earth (if the observation is made here) in its solar orbit and rotation on its axis plus the velocity and trajectory of the observer relative to Earth’s movement, combined with the velocity and trajectory of the Sun in its assumed orbit around the center of the galaxy, moving at an assumed 217 kilometers per second, combined with the estimated velocity of the Milky Way as part of a local group of galaxies moving in the direction of the constellation Hydra at between 300 and 600 kilometers per second combined further with its escape velocity from the Big Bang which could be as high as 30,500 kilometers per second, half the receding velocity of the farthest galaxy yet red-shifted, Ursula 2.

To continue, if then, as another example, a light beam is observed moving at 299,792.458 kilometers per second (slightly lower through air) at velocity x by an observer moving at a minimum of 217 kilometers per second at velocity y in the same direction, logic indicates that the observed 299,792.458 kilometers per second is the relative speed of the light beam in this encounter and that the actual speed is 299,792.458 kilometers per second plus a minimum of 217 kilometers per second or x plus y in this encounter.

Further, as yet another example, logic indicates that if the observer is moving at a minimum 217 kilometers per second, that when an observed beam of light is moving perpendicular to a moving body the relative (observed) speed and the actual speed are the same or 299,792.458 kilometers per second, though the beam’s trajectory though observed straight, is in reality, still straight but deflected from its original path in these encounters.

All other observations not made at exactly 90 or 180 degree of a light beam’s movement in relation to the observer involve a combination of velocity and trajectory modifications though as observers we measure such light beams as perfectly straight in movement following its original path and always at 299,792.458 kilometers per second in a vacuum.

It should now become clear after examination of the evidence in the above link that our blindness to this fluctuating velocity and/or trajectory are caused by a natural phenomenon confusing our perspective and that the speed of light and that of the entire electromagnetic spectrum follows the same relativity laws that govern all bodies in motion.

A simple logical concept that perhaps is the most radical theory regarding the speed of light since Einstein gave us E=mc2 which in the process along with his relativity theories completely broke the bond between science and logic, a bond which this hypothesis attempts to restore.

Tovi Sciences
A fatal flaw in the laws of physics
(A scientific study redefining the structure of the Universe)

Copyright © 2004-2023 by Murray Tovi

Futurist. Scientist. Artist.

The designs and inventions of Murray Tovi have been featured in publications such as Vogue, Glamour, House & Garden, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, and The New York Times.